
Dive into the profound spiritual philosophy of Martinus, a Danish thinker who developed a unique perspective on the nature of living beings and cosmic principles. In this video, explore Martinus’s groundbreaking symbols and analysis of existence, which reveals how life develops through six basic energies and stages of consciousness.

Discover how Martinus sees living beings as composed of three essential principles: the “I” (initiator), the ability to create and perceive, and the created. Learn about the progression of consciousness from mineral to plant, animal, and human kingdoms, and how we are constantly evolving towards a state of “real human beings” characterized by neighborly love and intuition.

This exploration goes beyond traditional scientific understanding, offering a spiritual view of eternal life. The video breaks down complex concepts through symbolic representations, showing how consciousness develops in circular patterns and how each stage of existence contributes to our broader understanding of life’s mysteries.

Perfect for those interested in spiritual philosophy, consciousness studies, and alternative perspectives on human development.

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00:00 Introduction
01:27 Martinus’ symbols
05:53 The eternal living being
10:12 Symbol 5: The Living Being 1
16:31 The combination of the basic energies
30:46 Symbol 11: The Living Being 2

🔥Martinus and his work
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➡️ h
🔥Eternity explained
🔥More about the meaning of materialism –
🔥What is spiritual science:

➡️ How to start with Martinus’ work:


#livingbeing #spiritualscience #martinus #spirituality

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