

Martinus Wiki

Religion in decline Q&A | Live stream | The Eternal World Picture

Religion in decline Q&A | Live stream | The Eternal World Picture

The video about "religion in decline" has gotten many great and relevant comments Stop by and participate in the discussion about the different topics. You can find the original video here: 🔔 Subscribe for more videos just...

Religion in decline Q&A | Live stream | The Eternal World Picture

Religion in decline Q&A | Live stream | The Eternal World Picture

The video about "religion in decline" has gotten many great and relevant comments Stop by and participate in the discussion about the different topics. You can find the original video here: 🔔 Subscribe for more videos just...

Eternity: Can You Truly Understand It? | What eternal means

Eternity: Can You Truly Understand It? | What eternal means

In this video, we explore the profound concept of eternity through the lens of spiritual thinker Martinus and his Eternal World Picture. Eternity, as defined here, is not simply an endless stretch of time—it has no beginning and no end. It is a state of existence that...

Will religion fade away? | Religion in decline

Will religion fade away? | Religion in decline

Religion is in the decline. As churches empty in parts of the world, we examine whether this trend will continue globally and what might replace religion. Discover why we believe in religions and how our evolving ability to think critically affects this belief. Learn...

Why we question our reality | Doubt of reality

Why we question our reality | Doubt of reality

Our reality is doubted by more and more people in today's modern world. We face an intriguing paradox: despite our unprecedented access to information, we're experiencing more doubt than ever about fundamental aspects of our lives. This video explores why pillars of...

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Digitalisering af foredrag har overspillet kassette- og spolebånd med 4-500 foredrag om Martinus Verdensbillede.

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Martinus Wiki

Martinus Wiki opbygger vi i fællesskab et komplet wiki-baseret opslagsværk om Martinus Verdensbillede,
som gør hans værk og verdensbillede lettere tilgængeligt for alle.

Nyhedsbrev og YouTube

Per Bruus-Jensen



Samtaler med Per Bruus-Jensen om Martinus og hans kosmologi på Radio Lotus ved vært Steen Landsy. 


Korrespondancekursets 92 lektioner er en komplet indføring i Martinus’ kosmiske analyser, der fremstilles i systematisk og koncentreret form.

Mogens Møller

foredrag af mogens møller

Mogens Møller har holdt foredrag i Martinus Kosmologi fra 1945 til sin død 1980.

Han påbegyndte sin foredragsvirksomhed i alle store byer i Jylland, senere i Sverige, Holland, England, Tyskland og USA.