Using Darkness to Create a Balanced Life #martinus #balance #spiritualscience
Clip from my video about balancing light and darkness - see @theeternalworldpicture
Martinus Wiki
What is a bad conscience? a spiritual view on a bad conscience
A spiritual view on what bad conscience is, why we get it and what we can do about it. The video goes into how we have a moral compass or kernel. Bad conscience happens when this inner kernel, that makes up our ideals, and what we do in life, is not aligned. The inner...
Can Too Much Light Be a Problem? #martinus #spiritualscience #light #darkness
Clip from video about balancing light and darkness - see @theeternalworldpicture
On Setting Boundaries #spirituality #martinus @theeternalworldpicture
Clip from my video - see @theeternalworldpicture
Balancing Light and Darkness in Life #spiritualscience #martinus @theeternalworldpicture
Clip from my video - see @theeternalworldpicture
The role of darkness and life as an art
Welcome to our YouTube channel dedicated to exploring the profound concept of eternal life through the balance of light and darkness. In this follow-up video, we delve deeper into the idea that life, as a perfect piece of art, requires a harmonious balance between...
What we can learn about ourself from the evolution of earth
Explore the profound wisdom hidden within Earth's evolution and discover how it mirrors our own spiritual journey. This channel delves into the fascinating connections between cosmic development, planetary evolution, and human consciousness, drawing inspiration from...
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Martinus Wiki
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som gør hans værk og verdensbillede lettere tilgængeligt for alle.
Nyhedsbrev og YouTube
Per Bruus-Jensen
Samtaler med Per Bruus-Jensen om Martinus og hans kosmologi på Radio Lotus ved vært Steen Landsy.
Korrespondancekursets 92 lektioner er en komplet indføring i Martinus’ kosmiske analyser, der fremstilles i systematisk og koncentreret form.
Andet materiale af Per Bruus-Jensen
Mogens Møller
Mogens Møller har holdt foredrag i Martinus Kosmologi fra 1945 til sin død 1980.
Han påbegyndte sin foredragsvirksomhed i alle store byer i Jylland, senere i Sverige, Holland, England, Tyskland og USA.