Speech of the Universe

Essays in Martinus cosmology

By Thorkil Schultz Nielsen

Translated by Olov Fahlander



History and development.

Human materialism.

Reincarnation, karma and development.

The mission of darkness.

Microcosmos, mesocosmos and macrocosmos.

The universe.

Thorkil Schultz Nielsen

Olov Fahlander

Cosmic consciousness.

Reincarnation, spiral cycles and destiny.


Life after death.



In his world picture Martinus deals also with life after death, and he felt anxious to correct earlier misunderstandings regarding man,s fate after the so-called death. Martinus has a wish, from the standpoint of cosmic consciousness to show that there is no reason to fear life after death, but on the contrary that there are many positive surprises waiting a dead person.



Martinus at his tapewriter


Since there are no grounds to fear life after death, this is because there is no hell and no condemnation. Immediately after death, the human being gets into the first sphere that is the midway state between the physical world and the spiritual world. The midway state is a preparation zone before the entrance to the spiritual world, and it can be divided into a dark zone, comparable to the purgatory, and a light zone, that Martinus calls the paradise zone. In this symbol (symbol 37) we see the midway state as a black and a white area on top of the orange area. This orange coloured area at the bottom of the figure with its black-white fields, symbolizes the not ready developed man in his different states of progress from animal to man. This means that the more developed this individual is, the smaller amount of darkness there is to suggest from the consciousness after the entry of death. For the fully developed being, there is open and direct access for the cosmic rays from God. The triangle and the star above symbolize this God. The actual spiritual worlds - the real human kingdom, the kingdom of wisdom, the divine world and kingdom of bliss - are shown through the yellow, green, blue and the violet colours.


It is only the stay in the dark zone of the middle state that might be unpleasant. That which will face the human being here, is his own thought images that were invisible in the physical world. In the dark zone of the middle stage these thought images become visible and thus the external world consists of his and other unhappy peoples thought images. If this person, when he dies, was caught up with conflicts and had severe pangs of conscience, or if he was filled with thoughts of martyrdom and was hateful and bitter at life, then these thoughts and ideas will create the surroundings that would meet the newly dead person here.


Another discomfort of the midway state and its dark zone might be, that the human not immediately discovers that he is now dead. It might for example be a young person that suddenly dies in a car accident. Death occurs so suddenly and unexpectedly that the newly deceased initially lives on in the middle state as if nothing had happened, until he understands that he has been brought away from the physical reality and cannot come in contact with other people there.


Before the person may come out of the dark zone of the middle stages and into the light zone or paradise zone, he must pass through a process of purification. This purification will occur, when the discarnate being no longer can bear to experience an outer world that entirely consists of its own dark mental states. The wish to become free of this unpleasant state makes this person ask for help, even if he does not know whom he will pray unto. His prayer will be heard immediately by particular guardian angles whose task is to help this person out of the middle stages dark zone. The guardian angles will suggest away the dark mental states of his mind or the primitive tendencies. The paralysing effect of these states, is however only temporary, since they are simply cancelled as long as the person is discarnated. With this paralysis the road next goes further on to the middle stages light zone, the paradise zone.


The more the consciousness has been filled with such dark, primitive thought concepts, in the physical life of a person, the more the consciousness must be cleansed in the dark zone of the middle stage. But the further this person gets in their humane development, the lesser amount of darkness must be removed in the middle stage. The advanced humane person's consciousness is filled with light and thoughts of neighbourly love, and such a person then progresses quite easily to the light paradise zone of the middle stage.


In these light zone of the middle stage, the human will create a paradise, corresponding to the stage of development or that wavelength, to which their consciousness can come into contact with. This means that there is a paradise, that suits each and every individual. Here they will experience an ideal state of being, in which they are able to live out their religious beliefs and realize all wishes that could not be fulfilled in the physical world. Thus, in the middle stage's dark and light zone, the person's consciousness is still affected by the thoughts formed in the physical world.


The paradise zone also has room for the world religions. According to Martinus, this means that there is actually an area with a Christian paradise. Since the spiritual matter will be formed directly according to the thoughts, all religious concepts such as hailing Christ with palm branches, will be fulfilled. When the person, up to tedium, has lived through their religious wishes, they will make up other thought images, that will come true next.


Also the earthly dreams will be fulfilled in the paradise zone. The possibility for creational evolution is entirely free, since the person no longer is burdened by economical and other sorrows, and is freed from the resistance imposed by the physical matter. Martinus mentions among other things, that the architect will be able to build the ideal castle, with no trouble at all. The niggard gets oceans of money, that he will be able to keep all for him self, while the artist aquires the highest dreams to accomplish fantastic sceneries of nature, that widely will surpass paintings done on a piece of canvas. Here in the paradise zone, the artistic ability is expressed in its widest amount, with sky and sea, woodlands, lakes and everything else that the artist is capable to think of.


Earlier, for example during the age of the Vikings, there was a great honour to be killed on the battlefield. If you would die in a fight, they believed that they would come to Valhalla, that was the highermost state of paradise that was possible to obtain. This meant, that they could go on fighting and drinking mead. Generally today, mankind is in a forced state of development both with regard to the material and the psychical areas. Many people on this earth still however have a mentality similar to that of the Vikings, which like the Old Testament dogmas implies that you should hate your enemy and make revenge for your friends. In their consciousness there is still an assumption that it is good to beat down your enemies. This Viking mentality or killing state of consciousness however leads to much suffering. With today's forced development it becomes more obvious that many people will learn from their experiences of suffering. The Viking mentality dissolves quite slowly and the person thus will develop both human talents and intelligence. Thus, according to the cosmic analyses, the individual in the actual spiritual world will also get a larger amount of experience possibilities, at the onset of death.


When the human being becomes satiated with being in the paradise zone, where it has been occupied with matters that belong to the physical world, it more and more starts to wish to be occupied with matters belonging to the actual spiritual world. They may for example have an interest in other people, in art and intellectual topics or other areas, that are of a spiritual character. The amount of occupation they may dwell with these matters in the spiritual world, depends on how much they have had a longing for or interest in similar topics in the physical world.


After the onset of death, the person at our present state of development, will live through the spiritual states of being in the spiral cycle as a guest. Since the individual human being still is not fully developed in neighbourly love, he or she cannot remain in these spiritual worlds, after the onset of the so called death. There is also no interest or longing to remain permanently here.


The first spiritual zone, to be entered, is the real human kingdom. Here one may take part in the work of Providence as a guardian spirit, for people in the physical world. Also depending on the development of the body of feeling, one will be able to bring forth the most beautiful forms of art, in the same degree as to one,s ability. After the being has lived through and becomes satiated with experiences that belong to the real human kingdom one will enter the kingdom of wisdom. Here one will be occupied with science, in correspondence to the capacity of the body of intelligence. Here one will be able to try out new inventions using intelligence.


Hereafter, one will experience a period in the uppermost state of being, the Divine world. Here one is in contact with the very highest divine answers, depending on how much developed the body of intuition is. Before the being again incarnates into physical matter, now satiated with the spiritual world, it, in the kingdom of bliss, now experiences a period in its inner world of the last 2-3 physical incarnations. Using the body of memory, one is able to see these in connection to each other.


The person does not leave the spiritual world, before they are ready to. After this journey as a guest through the states of existence in the spiral cycle one is equipped with so much life force, that one again will be ready to meet the challenges of the physical world.


Even though it is nice and beautiful to be in the spiritual world, it is in no way the meaning to enter it by one,s own force. To commit suicide means that only temporary will you halt your own painful state in the physical world. In the middle stage the suicidal person has the same mentality, that brought him or her to commit a suicide. In the same way that people in the middle stage are released with the aid of guardian angels, the suicidal person is helped also, as soon as he or she asks for it. We may mention also that the reincarnation principle means that the person in the next incarnation will again live through the same problems that was the cause of the suicide.


Martinus thus asks us to hold out and not to take one's own life, since you still will not get out of this particular state of suffering [44]. The fastest way out of suffering is thus to try to comprehend what must be learned from this difficult situation.


For a person, the amount of time spent in the spiritual world, is related to the age at death, and not least, the level of morality that has been developed and new knowledge assimilated and creational power acquired, since the previous time one had been in the spiritual world. If one dies as a small child or as a young soldier, there is not so much of new things to experience in the spiritual world, and they both will incarnate quite soon again. If one dies in the middle years, as a grown-up, and becomes parted from the physical, in the middle of a thrilling course of life, one may wish to incarnate quite soon, in order to complete this mission. If one dies as an old person, 'full of days', there is a greater need to have a longer pause of rest, and approximately the same amount of time will be spent in the spiritual world, as in the physical world. Of course, the presupposition to this is mentioned earlier, that your last life has been an active creational one with intake of new knowledge or has been developing morally, such as through pain. This is what makes it thrilling to dwell in the spiritual world, since there will emerge new areas to explore in these worlds.


Symbol 37

The Veiled and Unveiled Eternal Truth

© Martinus Ideal Fund 1994

See a closer analysis in "The Eternal world Picture IV" by Martinus under symbol 37.


After the entry of cosmic consciousness, according to Martinus, it becomes less and less required to incarnate into physical matter, while the spiritual worlds becomes more and more interesting. There follows a transition period, where the incarnations into the physical matter, by and by will cease. The person has now become a perfect spiritual being, that will face many light experiences, as a permanent habitant in the spiritual worlds, God's primary consciousness.


Symbol 11

The Eternal World Picture, the Living Being II, The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God.

© Martinus Ideal Fund 1963

See a closer analysis of the symbol under "History and developement " and"Universe" or in "The Eternal World Picture I" by Martinus under symbol 11.




The development of society.


List of literature.


List of credits.
