

Martinus Wiki

Why do we suffer – suffering in a new light

Why do we suffer – suffering in a new light

This video unravels the intricate role of suffering in our lives, presenting it in a perspective rarely considered. We investigate the pivotal question of why suffering exists and probes into its potential purpose within our existential framework. Starting with the...

The “I” #shorts

The “I” #shorts

The "I" as "something there is" #martinus #spiritualscience #livingbeings

What is the most basic meaning of being alive?

What is the most basic meaning of being alive?

What does it mean to be alive? This video explores the essence of existence through the lens of three fundamental principles that constitute a living being. Drawing upon the profound insights of Danish author Martinus, we delve into a world picture that transcends the...

There is an ultimate perspective on life

There is an ultimate perspective on life

Ever felt like the solid ground under your feet wasn't so solid after all? This video dives deep into why the foundations we often rely on—our finances, relationships, and personal achievements—might not be as stable as we think. Discover an ultimate perspective on...

Flere nyheder

Digitalisering af foredrag har overspillet kassette- og spolebånd med 4-500 foredrag om Martinus Verdensbillede.

Vi udgiver dem en gang om ugen på vores YouTube-kanal.

Martinus Wiki

Martinus Wiki opbygger vi i fællesskab et komplet wiki-baseret opslagsværk om Martinus Verdensbillede,
som gør hans værk og verdensbillede lettere tilgængeligt for alle.

Nyhedsbrev og YouTube

Per Bruus-Jensen



Samtaler med Per Bruus-Jensen om Martinus og hans kosmologi på Radio Lotus ved vært Steen Landsy. 


Korrespondancekursets 92 lektioner er en komplet indføring i Martinus’ kosmiske analyser, der fremstilles i systematisk og koncentreret form.

Mogens Møller

foredrag af mogens møller

Mogens Møller har holdt foredrag i Martinus Kosmologi fra 1945 til sin død 1980.

Han påbegyndte sin foredragsvirksomhed i alle store byer i Jylland, senere i Sverige, Holland, England, Tyskland og USA.