Speech of the Universe

Essays in Martinus cosmology

By Thorkil Schultz Nielsen

Translated by Olov Fahlander



History and development.

Human materialism.

Reincarnation, karma and development.

The mission of darkness.

Microcosmos, mesocosmos and macrocosmos.

The universe.

Thorkil Schultz Nielsen

Olov Fahlander

Cosmisk consciousness.

Reincarnation, spiral cycles and destiny.

Life after death.




Development of society.



In Martinus, world picture there is a relationship between humans, the earth globe and God, as well as there is a relationship between all living beings in the universe and God. All humans are moving ahead morally and intellectually toward a higher state of consciousness as well as their organisms become more and more refined. This means that the individual society or a single nation also will develop, both in terms of consciousness and materially. And simultaneously with this development the earth globe individual will also be developed. At this point it is essential to state that the development of societies is dependent of how the earth globe reasons and not the opposite. The individual living being that creates the respective society, is dependent on that being to which it is connected.


Symbol 11

The Eternal World Picture, the Living Being II, The Eternal Godhead and the Eternal Sons of God.

© Martinus Ideal Fund 1963

See a closer analysis of the symbol under "History and development " and"Universe" or in "The Eternal World Picture I" by Martinus under symbol 11.


Martinus says that already in about 500 years, there will be created an international democratic world kingdom, in which there will be a state of Christian politics [51], i.e. a politics of neighbourly love, all over the earth. The world government will consist of cosmic consciously beings, symbolized by the blue star in the yellow sun (symbol 26). The human race will be inspired by the solution of life's mysteries in the form of science. This is shown in the symbol by the white ray from above. The eternal cause of the world and the true God is symbolized by the white triangle. In this world kingdom the living standards and technical abilities will be at a very high level, and there will be spoken a common language which probably will be esperanto.


Symbol 26

The Perfect Human Kingdom of the Future

© Martinus Ideal Fund 1964

See a closer analysis of the symbol under "History and development" and "Microcosmos, mesocosmos and macrocosmos" or in "The Eternal World Picture II" by Martinus under symbol 26.


Martinus furthermore describes that the earthly globe being, is well on its way to acquire cosmic awareness or to become "one with the father" [52]. Since the human beings are that part of micro-cosmos to the earthly globe, that corresponds to its brain cells, there is a very tight, organic connection between the conscious levels of the earthly globe and humanity. The true kingdom of humanity, that will be present on earth in about three thousand years, will consist of cosmically aware individuals. From the perspective of the earthly globe, this means that its brain cells by then have reached about the same high level of consciousness that they are required to have in order to support its own cosmic consciousness. Before the earthly globe may become cosmically conscious, the last primitive or animal remnants must be cleansed out. This cleansing process will be experienced by humanity during the coming few hundred years, as a strongly forced development. Since the earthly globe belongs to a higher spiral, its concept of time is somewhat different than that of humans. The earthly globe being thus is now just in front of its "great birth" to acquire cosmic consciousness. Here, a very long process of development will have reached its intended goal.


The earth


The present state of development for humanity thus is not accidental in one form or another. There has always been a plan for each single person, which is to bring them in harmony with the law of neighbourly love, in such a way that they may be living in peace together with all other human beings and other beings.


In each person, the neighbourly love will emerge in a slow organical process, away from the old practice of the killing principle or being selfish. This process is governed by the sexual change of poles in the superconciousness of the being, which is out of direct reach by the will. To express neighbourly love is thus not a thing that we can decide from one time to the other. To become in harmony with the law of neighbourly love, a human being must however cooperate within its own area of will, to help to get through the limited negative karma, that it has been causing itself.


Symbol 23

The Finished Human Being in God's Image after his Likeness

© Martinus Ideal Fund 1964

See a closer analysis of the symbol under "Reincarnation, karma and development " or in "The Eternal World Picture II" by Martinus under symbol 23.


When a human has reached so far in the process of humanization that they become interested in training their will in favour of the good, they can, with daily practice, consciously assist in the creation of talents in neighbourly love. This is not limited to their relations to fellow humans, but to a large extent also towards animals. Presently the neighbourly love is a very neglected field in the human consciousness, but as the humans gets experiences as consequences of their actions, such as eating flesh, they become also in this area more full of love. They will become aware what they may or may not do to all these beings. In parallel to the reduction of negative karma, the human being will develop its free will to be more and more in correspondence to the law of neighbourly love, also with regards to its micro cosmos, and with the initiation to cosmic consciousness there is no longer any mismatch between the will of God and the will of the human being. The thought climate of the human being is altered into a more purified, humanistic all loving direction. Anger, jealousy, slander, intolerance and worries about the meaning of life will cease to exist in the humanistic mentality in favour of far higher thought climates, that reflects the growing ability to live according to the law of neighbourly love and insight into the solution of life's mystery.

Vegetarian food at the "Terrasse" in Klint, Nykøbing Sj., Denmark


One state of consciousness that also is remaining from the primitive animal state, is the "herd consciousness" [53]. An egoistic animal only seeks the togetherness in such a herd, to the extent that will serve its own instinct of self preservation, and not because it loves the other members of the herd. The remnants of this primitive herd consciousness exist in the cultural human's national consciousness. Here they experience the togetherness with other people from the same group or nationality.


Young lions


As long as the human being still not has had the chance to express these war promoting group thoughts or nationalistic tendencies will they be brought in to areas of the earth, where they may have the opportunity to live them out. Other people, who in previous incarnations have had enough of war, will be brought into areas, where the nationalistic tendencies are not so pronounced , and where it is comparatively peaceful.


It is possible then, to see wars in a somewhat larger evolutional perspective since they have a purpose to promote the cleansing of animal or primitive habits. Each time that the wars are raging and create suffering, it will also create more and more people that will take a stand against it, that they previously so much were promoting. This is where "the sheeps are separated from the goats" [54], since the "goats" are those that are still lacking experiences of suffering and still do think that we must have war, while the "sheep", are those, that due to sufficient experiences of suffering, are so much humane, that they by all means want to avoid war. Yes, they will even take it that far, that they rather would prefer to become killed, than to take part in slaughter of other people.


Humanity is moving, according to Martinus, away from the feeling of nationalism [55] that leads to war and devastation, on to an international understanding that we all here on this earth are worthy by the same amount, and all have the same right to a life in freedom. The symbol here (symbol 24), in its totality, the earth with its states, its governments, its incomplete or animal mental states, and also its religious and cultural state. The inner circular area is separated into larger or lesser fields that symbolizes the states of the earth. The governments of single states are symbolized by the white circular fields. In each government there is an arrow that is pointing in a particular direction. Many of the arrows are pointing in the direction of the two orange coloured star figures, symbolising the killing principle, the lack of godly beliefs and materialism. This means that these states have those kind of ideals. On the upper third part of the figure, we see how the arrows of the governments are turned more or less away from the killing ideals. They are pointing in the direction of true idealism and humanism. This is symbolized by the outer yellow field above, as well as the white, the yellow and the orange coloured field, and by the white star. These figures together symbolize the world redemption while the star symbolizes the same principle. Alongside with the development of the individual, there is also a development of each society, toward the recognition of the importance to do good in every case, and each society, thus becomes an ideal partner in cooperation for all other societies. The neighbourly love is successively being slowly manifested among all races and nations, and in this way it will be possible to build a world state that is based on the consciousness of Christ.


In the United Nations, each individual state is represented in order to be able to negotiate out of stresses that may occur between states. The UN tries to solve conflicts in many corners of the world by an international mandate, thus, that justice also has the power. According to Martinus there is to a high extent a need for such an international medium [56], that may be of assistance to reduce the chaotic conditions. In the UN we thus see the first tender signs of the approaching world government.



Progress will evolve, according to Martinus, in the direction to the creation of an international democratic world government [57], whose final form will solely consist of cosmically conscious human beings. Such an international democratic world government will work for unselfishness only and the final victory over selfishness among all races across the entire earth.


It is important, for each individual nation to realize, that its best protection is to entirely avoid using the power of weapons against other nations, and instead let the international society guarantee the individual nation's security. According to Martinus the development is in the direction of disarmament in favour of the establishment of an international, impartial global police [58].


Furthermore it will be necessary, to develop an international, non-secret highest law and justice department, in which representatives are familiar with the course of development and the eternal laws of existence. This will create safety and guarantees of absolute justice and fairness for all and everything. This state of justice has already begun with the UN's Court of Human Rights in the Hague, with its competence to make judgements in conflicts between groups of people.



Symbol 26

The Perfect Human Kingdom of the Future

© Martinus Ideal Fund 1964

See a closer analysis of the symbol under "History and development" and "Microcosmos, mesocosmos and macrocosmos" or in "The Eternal World Picture II" by Martinus under symbol 26.


That state of society that we know of today, in which there is striving to get more money out of selling, than what was actually spent in working hours, will slowly become obsolete. According to Martinus the "principle of commerce" [59] is an noble, cosmic principle, in that one may only take an equal value, for equal value. The money-system with speculation and profit, where "it is better to take than to give" as a rule, will not be able to survive , since it is not in correspondence with the cosmic principle of commerce or the law of neighbourly love.


The way in which the labour and commercial circumstances are acting in the world today, they are largely devoted to forms in which one may obtain a higher value in selling, than it is actually worth. This means that many people around the world must toil and sweat to get their daily bread. The gradual development towards the future world society, will however imply the removal of all forms of human exploitation of other people's labour power. In the future it will be solely the number of working hours, that was spent in a certain item, that will determine how much it will cost. No single person, no commercial enterprise, and no national state, will have the ownership rights on farming grounds and the natural resources, since they will be owned by the world state, i.e. everyone, to use and benefit for everyone. The future world government will certify, that all human beings get the same access to the living standard of the world state. In this future society there will be only a few mandatory working hours in order to have access to this commonly accepted living standard, that will be far above the normal living standard of today. All this tearing monotonous and rough work will to a large extent be taken over by machines. The people of the future, thus will in comparison to today's people get their eyes open to what is beneficial and useful for all others. They will be able to live a much more free life with a lot of time to spend on artistic and cultural development, studies and reflections on life.

Martinus lectures.


"The world state will know, that it is of no use to put a person to work in areas, where they have no joy. By that they will be able to do more. Finally the working hours that are required are only those that it will cost for them to maintain themselves. It shall not pay for their children. It shall not pay for their partner. All beings will be paying during their working époque that they will have >from when they are about 20 years of age and forward on until they shall not work any more. In these working hours, that they will perform, it is accounted for their childhood, ageing and their states of sickness, so that no individual will live at the benefit of another. There is nothing that has a value. You cannot go and sell something. You only have your passbook, which shows that you have done the work you shall do. Thereby you have access to the living standard, that was precisely paid for, and thus this kingdom will become a radiant kingdom of joy and blessing for all humans" [60].


Martinus at the platform.


Through Christ, humanity has got an example that will inspire in its way of being to forgive under all circumstances. By an higher knowledge about life's eternal laws it will finally be possible for the individual to pass this great cosmic test, in which forgiveness by training through many incarnations becomes a matter of course, an automatic function. Forgiveness is helped on its way by realizing that darkness or the evil is only a temporary state, and that each one is the most basic cause to that discomfort, one may experience.


"The appearance of Christ in the skies" [61] is in Martinus' expression a state of mind, that will emerge in the individual with the initiation into cosmic consciousness. A state, where love for everything and everyone is established. Through prayer the human being will be organically connected to God, so that the soul and senses will feel one with the Divine. One will understand, through cosmic consciousness, the wisdom of the universe and the meaning of neighbourly love. Everything will merge into a higher unity in which everyone understands everyone else and all people of the world has understood the meaning of the words: "one flock, one shepherd" [62]. A divine government is established on earth, "heaven on earth" in physical matter, where everyone has realized how important it is "better to give than to take". The message of the Christmas evangelist: "peace on earth, goodwill among people" [63] has been fulfilled. The long wishedfor peace has arrived as a permanent reality.


Symbol 23

The Finished Human Being in God's Image after his Likeness

© Martinus Ideal Fund 1964

See a closer analysis of the symbol under "Reincarnation, karma and development " or in "The Eternal World Picture II" by Martinus under symbol 23.



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